Meal expenses

We have some employees who go to functions(besides seminars) outside of work and we pay for their meals. Does anyone have a policy in place that specifies a set dollar limit an employee will be reimbursed?

We are not-for-profit and want to try to contain this expense. It appears that employees are taking advantage of this and ordering more expensive meals.


  • 11 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Even though you said that these functions are "outside of work" I'm assuming that they are still work related otherwise why are you reimbursing at all. It's not unreasonable for a business to have a per diem for expenses. The very purpose of a per diem is to control the amount of spending by the ee's. Establish an amount that is reasonable for the business and the ee's.
  • I once worked for a non-profit that used the following formula:

    $10 - Breakfast
    $15 - Lunch
    $20 - Dinner

    These prices are from the 80's. It also depends on your geographic region. $20 here in Philadelphia will not take you very far.
  • $20 bucks will get you a few cheesesteaks won't it? Mmmmmmmmm...cheesesteaks. I know what I'm having for lunch today.
  • Sounds like a reasonable break down for meals.
  • Good Lord Crout!! 20 bucks won't take you very far for one meal? What are you eating..filet mignons?? ;;) I know down here in good ole Texas, my husband and I can go to Chilis and get a decent meal and spend about 20 bucks for the both of us..

  • True story: Last week my brother-in-law and his wife went to a sushi restaurant with another couple in center city Philly. The tab at the end of the evening for the four of them was.....are you ready?.....over 700 bucks. And this was NOT because of a large bar tab. Now this particular place is rumored to be the best sushi place west of San Francisco, owned as it is by one of the so-called "Iron Chefs" from Japan, but there it is. Amazing, no?
  • $10, $15, and $20 are pretty standard for us in Wisconsin. We do make allowances for certain restaurants especially when out dining with a client. But if the employee is on their own and eating dinner because they are at a seminar, then the above would be a good guideline.
  • We're a local government and tie our expense policy directly to the state policy, that way we don't have to worry about the amounts getting out of date. At least in Wisconsin, the state policy is available on line, and it's pretty conservative. (As a matter of fact, we had to make an adjustment to our room allowance since the state has negotiated rates which are very low but not available to us.)
  • We do not have a set policy; however, our General Manager sees each expense check and personally gets involved with the department head that allows for perceived abuses. He, from time to time, will directly approach the individual and ask for an explanation as to "why the individual decided that he needed, consumed, and applied for a reimbursement for a business lunch which included a $11.95 rib eye steak?" A $5.00 lunch plate is very reasonable in this area. I have also witnessed the General Manager disapprove a portion or the full cost of an abused business meal. If the employee doesn't like it, he has to address his concern directly with the GM with the Department Head present! I for one would not like to be on the receiver end of this meeting, nor would I like to see my evaluation and potently for a raise in the future deminish by the size of the unreasonable application for an abusive meals reimbursement! "You don't need a policy, you only need strong leadership and leadership by example"!!!

  • That would be Iron Chef Morimoto's Resturant, named not suprisingly, Morimoto's Restuarant. Some of the items served, like one of the particular tuna, can only be caught during a 30 time of the year, so it is extremely expensive. You can eat somewhat reasonably (Under $100 for 2) depending on how much you like the rare exotic stuff.
    While I have never been, I have to admit that if I planned a trip to Philidelphia the first thing I would do is try to get a resrvation for there, supposed to be pretty good.
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
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