Our employees in Shipping/Receiving are concerned about contact with drivers that are delivering/picking up who are from Canada. The employees have asked if they should wear surgical masks or take any other precautions. Any advise on this matter would be appreciated.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I recently read an article on SARS that stated that so far, there is no evidence that SARS spreads through casual contact and the risk of contracting the disease is low. It also said that the majority of cases have been in unprotected health care workers who have had direct contact with the sneezes, coughs or nasal fluids of SARS patients. If it will make your employees more comfortable, give them the option of using protective masks, offer them hand sanitizer and remind them to wash their hands frequently.
  • I think this is a question better answered by a health care professional. Maybe you should contact a local or state health agency for input, thereby having credible info for your employees and something to fall back on should there be a litigious situation.

    Just my thoughts...
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