Termination Pay--California

Hourly EE was term'd on Thursday. Recieved his final pay through direct deposit the falling Thursday. He is now calimin we owe him for those days not paid. Does California Law require immediate payment and if so is there a grace period???


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added

  • In California, employees who are terminated must receive all pay due including vacation,both accrued and available at time of termination. If it is determined that an employer willfully failed to pay in a timely fashion, the employer may be subjected to a penalty consisting of continuation of the employee's wages on a day-to-day basis until the final paycheck is received - not to exced 30 days.

    As an FYI, this is also true for employees who have given notice to quit. If no notice was given, you have 72 hours to pay the employee.

  • Arizona requires check within 72 business hours. Can't imagine California is less liberal than that.

    If it doesn't happen the employee can go to DOL. You'd be fined. I'd pay for two more days and push out the date of term - it would be worth the sixteen hours.
  • San Francisco is correct. If he files a wage claim you will get to go to a hearing and you will lose. Pay him the money.
  • The employee is correct- see below....
    The willful failure to pay a terminated or quitting employee in a timely fashion subjects you to a penalty consisting of continuation of the employee's wages on a day-to-day basis until the final paycheck is ready or a maximum of 30 days has elapsed. This rule applies to both exempt and non-exempt employees.

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