IN Work Comp Law

Does anyone know in Indiana if the employer has to pay the employee for follow-up appointments if they are during their working hours?

Also, is required to pay the employee for the first day of injury as well?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Worker "out of care and concern of the company" should be paid for the full day of work on the date of the accident, and any time at the doctor's office plus miles travelled to get there. We have a 5 day period of time that the employee must be out before he/she is entitled to disability pay through W/C procedures. We allow the employee to take sick time, if they do not wish to loose income because the W/C will only pick up 662/3% of the average weekly wages over the last year or whatever history we have for the individual. follow-up appointments are paid by the W/C carrier or 3rd party administrator. AT work and follow-up appointments are on company time and not on the carrier time, milage for these doctor visits are claimed through our carrier until a full return to duty is realized by the hurt employee. Don't be a non-caring employer and argue over these expenses, it will cost your company in the long run. Stay on top of the treatment plan and in contact "caringly" with the employee and your company will realize positive results.

    "Screw it up" and the cost will far out weigh your penny pinching reputation with the employees.

    On the other hand being to loose in the administration of W/C and those who know the system will make you pay every time for all sorts of things. "Been There and Done that", we have lost some, and we have four long term employees, I barely know because they are out there on W/C. This week we closed the book on two, we are waiting for the next attorney move on our "in prison" employee, who is claiming a long term disability, and I thought I had done that one just right. Did not know he was a professional criminal, selling drugs, and working for us an up and coming employee. We were highly impressed with his CPA & COLLEGE DEGREE and his fast talking with a desire to change his life after being in jail for other financial crimes. What the heck we can give him a chance to work on the farm.
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