
I just saw something about W2's on Hrhar de har and I am curious about something.
My former boss was always extremely accomodating to our employees and I wish I could be that way but I'm alone in my department with 175 ee's to deal with (and I do EVERYTHING benefits, compliance, recruiting, payroll, filing and on and on).
So whats the deal when former ee's who have'nt updated their addresses demand their W2's? I get about three calls a day and I go and copy the w2, readdress the letter, create new postage and remail. It didn't seem like much before, but it's getting to me now, especially when the employee starts getting irate (or they live right down the street and can walk their $%^ up here and get it themselves). So, what is my obligation?
I know I am busy, but I have to visit the forum at least once a day.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You should be receiving the incorrectly addressed W2s in your office. If you don't, you should find out where they are going. You probably won't get all of the back but you will get quite a few. I always keep them and when the employee tells me they didn't receive one, I flip out the returned one and they quickly apologize and give me the correct information. If they are current employees, why do you mail them? I tell the employees to stop in my office, or I give it to their supervisor to give to them (making sure the employee knows, of course). I don't know of any regulation that states they have to be mailed to current employees.

    You do, however, need to provide the W2 to the employee upon request, regardless of the reason. I know its a pain but hopefully it will teach them to give you the proper information in the future.
  • One suggestion would be to pick one day a week that is the least hectic and declare that as your "W-2 Remake Day". You could then make a more definitive statement as to when you will re-issue W-2s. This would give you latitude throughout the week to make copies when you have a few minutes but only pass them out or mail them on that one day. This worked for best for me at another company where I was chief cook and bottle washer.
  • I don't mail them to current ee's. but plenty of current ee's lose them. I mail them to termed ee's. We are retail where the turnover is high and the majority of our staff is young and very likely to change addresses 2,3 times a year but still stay in the city. I mailed out about 300 W2's and I've gotten about 50 back.
    Tax season almost over.Phew.
    WHOA! I have to do my taxes!!!!!!!!!
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