HIPAA Policies

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-28-03 AT 09:57AM (CST)[/font][p]We are a small employer (self-insured) so we do not have to be in compliance with HIPAA until next year but I am obviously working on it now. I have the HIPAA checklist and have read alot regarding these regulations and they talk alot about developing policies for different aspects of the law. I'm hoping some of you out there have some policies you would be willing to share to make things easier, or at least are able to provide a frame of reference on where I should start. It all just seems so overwhelming sometimes.
My email address is [email]LindaS@Merrill-Mfg.com[/email]
My email address is [email]LindaS@Merrill-Mfg.com[/email]
I am the Human Resources Coordinator for a Home Health Agency. We have to comply with HIPAA and have our policies, forms and privacy notice in place. I would most certainly be willing to share what I have if you would be interested. Just email me and let me know.
>I am the Human Resources Coordinator for a Home Health Agency. We
>have to comply with HIPAA and have our policies, forms and privacy
>notice in place. I would most certainly be willing to share what I
>have if you would be interested. Just email me and let me know.
Could you please send these to me as well? My fax number is 423-899-8573. Or my email address is [email]peggyr@nacscom.com[/email].
Thanks a bunch!!
Thank you.
P. S. If you could send an email directly to me at work [email]cjwinebarger@charter.net[/email], I can just reply and attach the documents. k?
I sent an email as you asked but got back an undeliverable message. Not sure why. We too are a self-insured so I would greatly appreciate it if you could share your forms, policies and notice with me as well. Email is [email]kbraziller@syda.org[/email] and fax is 845-436-2119.
Fax: 850-575-9567
email; [email]jkbodily@aol.com[/email]
Fax; 801-990-0326
I tried to you email you at your address listed and receieved a message that stated unsuccessful delivery. I don't know why. If you could send me your HIPAA policies, I would be eternally grateful.
My email address is [email]MMurray@rcaction.org[/email] or my fax number is (603)-431-2916.
fax: 509-684-4740
Could I get a copy of your HIPAA policy too. My email address is [email]pmccormick@firstbancorp.com[/email]. Thank you.
Thank you very much!
>I am the Human Resources Coordinator for a Home Health Agency. We
>have to comply with HIPAA and have our policies, forms and privacy
>notice in place. I would most certainly be willing to share what I
>have if you would be interested. Just email me and let me know.
Could you please email HIPAA policies, forms and privacy notice to me too? My email is . Blessings.
Hope those I have already sent info to have found it helpful. Again, good luck.
My email is [email]julie@rsstaffing.com[/email]
Thanks so much for your help.
I was at a legal update May 1, 2003 and the presenting attorney said that the HIPAA regulation were intended for plan providers not for employers (excluding self-insurers). He said the main thing emloyers need to be concerned with is that the employer will have less access to employee's PHI. Never the less, we are putting together our plan of attack.
Thank you,