Dug/Alcohol Investigations

Can anyone provide some applicable questions that would need to be asked in the event of a drug or alcohol investigation. Example being the investigation is taking place because there is reasonable suspicion of using drugs or alcohol or coming to work under the influence.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I think the first question that needs to be asked is if you have a formal drug/alcohol policy. The second is whether this person' behavior is creating a safety issue for themself or other employees. Without a formal policy, how would you be able to do an investigation and what would you do with the employee if he/she was found to be engaging in this behavior?
  • We do have formal policy in place with the right to test if warranted, etc.

    I'm working on several investigation topic questions and personally have not had much exposure with abuse of drugs or alcohol in the workplace.
  • First the investigation must be timely. The ideal investigation is done the same day problems come up. Other employees often do not wish to "get somebody in trouble" so expect this. Base questions on behavior observed at work. In extreme situations take an employee for testing immediately.
    1. Did you smell an intoxicating beverage on the breath of the party in question.
    2. Has the employee shown extremes in behavior such as lapsing into tears, becoming unreasonably aggressive, failing to respond to questions or conversations.
    3. Does the person fall asleep at odd times while on duty. Do they appear to lack knowledge of where they are or what they are doing.
    4. Have they made errors or had accidents that cannot be logically explained.
    5. What is their record of absenteeism (Monday Friday etc.)
    6. Are they wearing sunglasses when it is not sunny.
    7. Have you observed any alcohol, drugs, empty bottles or cans, drug related items such as pipes, papers, needles, or bags, or remains (butts, empty drug packets, etc.)
    8. Financial problems can also indicate substance abuse although such problems can indicate many other issues as well. However, the heavy abuser is generally in financial difficulty.

    Good Luck
  • Two management employees should be present when the employee is questioned and a union steward if applicable. Describe the employee's behavior to them. Ask the employee what's causing it i.e. slurred speech, dialated pupils. Ask the employee if they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Ask them if they have alcohol or drugs on the premise. Ask if they got either from another employee. Curiously, they may actually tell you the truth. If it is drugs ask what drug---it may be a legal one. If it is a legal drug, determine if the employee is fit for duty. If it's legal & they aren't fit for duty, take home or send home in a cab. If it's illegal or it's alcohol, apply your policy . If you don't have a policy and the employee represents a risk to self or others take employee home or send home in a cab. Do not let the employee drive. The Company will be liable for any accidents on the way home (or to the nearest bar).
    Companies covered by the DOT must have policies and procedures in place. Many of those specify that an employee will be taken to a clinic where alcohol and drug tests are taken if they are suspected of having violated the policy.
    If you're in the entertainment business-----good luck!
  • In the state of Washington, you may request a drug test at any time if there is "reasonable suspicion". Example: late to work several times when usually on time, very excitable or irratable, near-miss accident, frequent errors or mistakes when usually accurate. Anything that is observable and that can be documented. Key is that it cannot be hearsay, you must have observed the incident. It should be handled privately. Good luck
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