Military Criminal Conviction?

In the case of an individual having been convicted of a felony level crime through the military justice system does the application question regarding a "felony" conviction apply? Or does the military justice system use a term other than "felony" to describe a felony level crime? Thanks for your input.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It's up to you (your company policy). There's nothing prohibiting you from asking veterans that you extend offers to (or even the pre-offer stage) to provide a copy of their DD214 so that you can verify the period of time their service shows as a potential gap. The document will show less than honorable or in your case, dishonorable discharge, I imagine. Veterans get no free pass on this particular question.
  • Whether using the State or Federal Statutes or the UCMJ, a felony is a felony. I would venture to guess that your company policy does not define the difference between a State or Federal Statutory felony and a UCMJ felony. As such you may be well served to treat "any" felony the same. You surely do not want to be accused of treating one felony different from the other. Just my two cents.....
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