Mandatory Time Off - Need help quick!

We are a California employer with approx. 120 employees in this facility.
We are facing layoffs but would like to try something else first. Is there any problem with forcing employees to take one week off - they would have the option of being paid thru their PTO time or they could take it off without pay.
We are looking at maybe 50 - 60 employees doing this - the others would continue to work as they are in "critical" positions. Need to make a decision quickly, so would welcome any input ASAP! Thanks.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-21-03 AT 10:33AM (CST)[/font][p]There are no problems that I can think of, other than those created by poor communication of the reasons that this is necessary, arbitrary judgement of who has to take the time off and who doesn't, etc. etc.

    You might want to contact EDD. The employees that are laid off may be eligible for unemployment and if you make it easy for them to apply it will help mitigate the hard feelings. EDD used to be very helpful in this regard but it is a long time since the last time that I worried about this type of activity.
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