Unemployment Benefits

I have an employee that resigned his position. He relocated to another part of North Carolina where he owned a house. He has some major family problems and relocated for that reason.( He has a mentally unstable wife and is in the process of divorce) He filed for unemployment benefits, will he be able to receive them? I spoke with him on the phone and he stated that he did not think he was going to be able to claim unemployment benefits, due to the fact that work was available at our company when he left.

Also, there was an incident at the company, one of our supervisors made a verbal threat of violence toward him. It was totally out of line.

I am concerned about a lawsuit, several other employee's witnessed the incident.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • In Wisconsin, he would not be eligible for UC because he resigned. As for the other incident, it could be considered in giving UC if the resigning employee felt threatened to the point of great harm. I would make sure the Supervisor got some kind of disciplinary action. This way, the resigned employee cannot claim a 'hostile environment'.
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