Safety - Terrorist Attack

Have any of you made any type of preparations in the event of a terrorist attack near your workplace? Specifically with regard to biological weapons. Thanks for your help.


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We haven't codified anything, but we have coached people regarding mail handling procedures, suspicious package recognition, that sort of thing. Aside from generic evacuation and emergency action plan procedures, I'm frankly not sure there's much more we can do, other than train the basics and hope that helps.
  • Absolutely right. We've been careful with the mail ever since 9/11, but you can't do much more than reiterate the procedures already in place.
  • Follow normal emergency plans. The reality is that this will most likely never effect 99.9% of us. There are some high risk industries that could be more likely to be targeted, but I cannot see wasting much time or energy over this. People just need to be alert and report things out of the norm.
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
  • Just yesterday we held a Safety & Security briefing with all employees. We covered several topics relating to our building and its immediate surrounding area. We again handed out copies of our Safety & Security policy to all employees. Primarily we wanted to remind all employees of our Safety & Security policies, including our emergency evacuation plan and ask employees to be mindful of their surroundings. At this meeting we also took the liberty to explain to all employees the additional security & safety measures we have taken in an attempt to ensure the employees safety. As a result of the meeting we have received nothing but positive feedback. Hope you find a solution that works for you.
  • Changes were made after 9/11. No changes are being made as a result of the current situation as far as safety and security planning for the company. However, due to increased security in New York City, we are going to have be a little bit more lenient on issues such as tardiness. We do not allow factory employees to get personal phone calls during working hours except for an emergency. However, today I got several requests, and we agreed, that employees who expect their children to call when they get home, will be allowed to speak to them. I assume there will be other changes.
  • One issue to think about....everyone trains for evac plans but that is not what you want to do if there was some sort of airborne contaminant or haz mat spill in your area.

    You should think about training key managers to know where all the ventilation/AC unit shut offs are. In a worst case scenario, you would want to have these people turn off all these systems, close all doors/windows and keep ees inside the premises. The last thing you want is the mindset that everyone should evacuate outside in such a situation.

    We haven't drafted formal policies here but we do try to address these "common sense" type issues in mgmt meetings to get people to think.

  • Thanks very much to those of you who responded to my question. In the event there would be a chemical or biological attack while people are here at work, I'm concerned about us being prepared. Closing ventilation systems is an excellent idea. What I've read says that individuals should be prepared with plastic sheeting, duct tape, water supply, food supply, etc. for 3 days. Have any of you made these kinds preparations? In the event of a "lock-in" what do we do? Thanks to all for your responses.
  • I live in NYC. After the last scare, it turned out that duct tape and plastic sheeting are worth less against chemical/biological attacks. However, the hardware stores made a fortune. While there are a few people who have bought gas masks, most people are just going on with their lives right now. Of course, there is police and national guard everywhere. There are random checks of cars and trucks etc. While the company has water and some food, based on passed experience, most people want to make sure their families are safe. While, 9/11 was going on, most of the employees were trying to contract their families. Those with children in school rushed out to get them. While reasonable concern about safety should exist, don't get a hang-up on it. The best most of us can do is try to live our lives the best we know how and frequently tell our loved ones how much we love them. And then, try not to get too maudlin when posting.
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