Corporate Gifting Policies-HELP!

Am new to this so have posted on 3 boards.

Are any of you looking at your "gifting" policies (usually covered in the Code of Ethics" in light of Enron and friends? Have you any concerns about allowing execs to go on expensive golf outings, using others box tickets, concert tickets, expensive restaurant meals , getaway weekends that are offered by customers, clients, consultants or employees? I'm interested in information that covers the receiving and giving of gifts. Do any of your companies allow managers/sups to purchase employee birthday, wedding or other gifts using company money?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Our ethics policy prohibits receiving gifts of any type. Even if a vendor or other business interest wants to purchase your lunch, that must be approved by the Pres. Otherwise, you pick up the tab. In the event we receive gifts from vendors (which is often around the holidays), the gifts are gathered together and, if appropriate, donated to a local children's charity. We do not accept offers of tickets to sports events, etc.

    I even lost the coffee mug my employment law lawyer sent me. x:'(
  • Our firm allows ordinary business lunches and accepts 'token items' that do not exceed an estimated value of $25, and it has to be items that are distributed generally, as a normal means of advertising.

    We do not allow ees to accept or agree to accept gifts, benefits, or favors for themselves or others from any person, company, organization, or other entity that could influence or reasonably appear to influence them in performing their duties. This applies to any firm doing any kind of business with us or could reasonably be expected to do business with us in the future, especially vendors/contractors who perform auditing, inspecting, monitoring, or measuring for us.

  • We have a conflicts of interest policy under Professional Ethics section of our handbook. It is very strict. No one, even owners, can accept a gift that has a value that exceeds $50. Employees can be taken out for lunch or can receive a small gift at the holidays. These items, when food, are put in the break room for everyone. But expensive golf outings, etc are lot allowed. I have gone golfing for 9 holes or gone to a Brewers game, but this is probably the limit for our firm.
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