Our employees are issued a locker upon employment. Most do not lock their locker but some do. What are the laws regarding locker searches in the state of IN?
Check your local statutes. Generally I think that if an employee is issued a locker and a company-provided lock, they have no expectation of privacy and the lockers are subject to search; however, if they provide their OWN lock, I think the courts have said that they have a reasonable expectation of privacy. That's why we don't permit our employees to provide their own locks.
The law in most states is based on "expectation of privacy". To destroy any expectation of privacy, the company should have a written policy, telling employees that it could search lockers at any time. You may want to post that in the locker room along with a notice that the company IS NOT reponsible for lost or stolen items.
Also, It is a good idea to do as the previous poster says, and not allow personal locks. Rather have company provided locks with the company keeping extra keys or the combination.
We take it one step farther and have each EE sign an "Informed Consent and Release For Searches" form along with a disclaimer for lost or stolen personal items. We inform them that if they put on a lock and do not provide our Safety Manager with a key or the combination that the lock will be cut.
In our Substance Abuse Policy as well as our Workplace Violence Policy it states that we, the employer, reserve the right to inspect any and all areas on the company premises if it is believed an abuse of the policy has occurred. This includes lockers, lunchpails, toolboxes and even an employee's vehicle. This policy is explained to all employees upon hire, they are required to sign the policy and a copy of the signed document is made for the employee as well as the original being placed in their file. This was they are aware what is expected as well as what can happen if the policy is abused.
We have a sign posted in lobby areas of our locations stating that we have the right to inspect purses, bags, and boxes carried by visitors as well. This one gives me a little grief each time I see it, but has an attorney's approval.
Also, It is a good idea to do as the previous poster says, and not allow personal locks. Rather have company provided locks with the company keeping extra keys or the combination.
Good Luck!!