Terminate Without Retaliation

This is a sticky, messy problem. We have an employee who really needs to "go". She started out with us in May of last year and has been nothing but a troublemaker since then. She wasn't here a month before she had two Workers Comp injuries. That wasn't the issue as we followed WC procedures, etc. She has constantly undermined her supervisor as immature, young, doesn't know what she's doing. She has questioned her salary against the supervisor's salary, years of experence, etc. I've never had a converation with this lady where she didn't bring up the supevisor in a very derogatory manner. On Friday, she went to the CEO and voiced the same displeasures. She also stated to the CEO that the rumor was that the COO was having an affair with an employee. She had no proof, just a rumor that she tried to have dinner with one of the other supervisors, etc.

I have previously talked with our labor attorney to make sure that whatever we did with this person, it did not appear to be in retaliation with the WC injury, which, it is not. We have enough documentation purely from performance standpoint to terminate in my opinion. She has changed schedules and dropped patients from the schedule without permission. She has made constant derogatory remarks about her supervisor in every office she has worked in, etc. She has been counseled numerous times.

How would you guys approach this? Would you feel safe in terminating her for performance. I feel sure she has done the WC route before because she knows all the right questions and answers and is also "coaching" her boyfriend through the system as he has a WC claim, also. She is very free with this information and I have no doubt she will try for a WC retaliation claim.

Thanks for any insight!


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