
I recently put out an ad for new employees. I seem to have been over run with young men that are dressed like they belong hanging out on a street corner harrassing people. I haven't made any hiring decisions as of yet, and I was wondering if I am safe in not hiring these individuals because of the way they present themselves. I have interviewed a couple of these boys, and I just don't have a good feeling about them. It is a night shift I am trying to fill and I can't take a chance on gang bangers hanging out at my plant. Is this reason alone legitimate for not hiring someone?


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • So long as you don't make hiring decisions based upon race, sex, national origin, etc. etc. etc. you are OK.
  • Thank you. I thought I was on the right track, I just don't want to cross the lines and be accused of discriminating against gang-bangers.
  • Gang bangers aren't a protected class yet. Give CA a couple more years though. I'm sure you could find more of a reason not to hire than simply going by their appearance.
    Whenever I hear someone dressed like that say "I can't find a job, it's the economy" I think to myself, maybe it's because your pants are hanging so low they seem to be defying gravity. One person came to an interview wearing the gang attire and corduroy bedroom slippers. It was a tough call, but I had to turn him away. :)
  • Agree with Gillian, but why open the door. Don't give a reason for not hiring unless you absolutely have to! Keep looking while keeping others under consideration? Just thought I would share my two cents....
  • We have notice in our newspaper ads and a big sign in our application area that all applicants are subject to a pre-employment screening. The admin asst then assesses each on a piece of paper. One of the first assessments is appropriate clothing. Bad clothes - out the door.
  • We have a receptionist on our first floor that is "oh, so proper". Very nice lady, expects professionalism and hates tacky dressers. Before an applicant can even get up the elevator to my third floor office,she has already called me with her assessment. Thanks God, it has prepared me for some strange looking creatures.
  • "Applicants are subject to pre-employment screening". What a concept! I've never thought of having that sign up front. It never occured to me than any applicant would assume otherwise. But what do I know? And you gotta read them their rights, right? Thanks for a chuckle Leslie.
  • Back in my former life with a mega large retailer when we first went to drug screening, and we were in a new town hiring for a new store, we would all get a kick out of watching them come in read the sign, "All applicants will be subject to drug screening" and then watch them turn around and walk back out. That was several years back, just doesn't seem to have the same impact these days.
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