I-9 problems

I have just started in a new company and reviewed the I-9's. I am finding alot of them have cross-outs and changes, abbreviations in Section 2 and many forms of ID that are expired. I have been previously trained that these things are all unacceptable. Is that correct? If someone has been employed for three or more years do I need their I-9 in the file?
Thank you!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You are on the right track and yes, you need I-9's on all employees. There is only one exception - you don't need to have one for employees who were employed before Nov. 6, 1986, the effective date of the Immigration Reform and Control Act.
  • Yep, you do need a current I-9 for every active employee hired after that 1986 date. I understand your dilemma. We had to redo every single I-9 for our company last year. Before you start, though, make sure you know exactly how an I-9 should be completed, and review the types of ID that are acceptable (some can be expired). If you need help, my email is [email]lcdavid77@yahoo.com[/email]. Good luck!
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