salary adjustments

We are wanting to make salary adjustments to a group of our staff who work in the same program. My question is this...Currently the starting salary for these positions is $21,500. We want to increase the starting salary to $24,000.
I wanted to know how others handle salary adjustments. Do you give all the staff a $2,500 adj, the difference between the $24,000 and $21,500? What about the employees who are currently making more than $24,000 because they have been with the agency for awhile? Do they still get the $2,500? Are more companies paying based on experience instead of paying the same, even though the position is the same?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-06-03 AT 10:53AM (CST)[/font][p]When we make salary adjustments, we do not necessarily give the employees who already make the new minimum, or more, an increase. And yes, although we may have a minimum for a position, we do give raises based on merit.
  • If you don't adjust the people who are already making more, then your newbees end up making the same as someone who has been with you for a few years. We typically adjust the starting wage and then adjust the folks in that same pay range to some extent, but not necessarily the same amount that we increase the starting wage. We sort of split the difference.
  • Just a note about Shawn's response..when we adjust salaries the employees who are low would still not make as much as our employees who have been here longer - that wouldn't be fair. If the salaries are too close, we increase our longer term employees as well.
  • Exactly; I agree with Shawn. When I worked for the state, on the rare occasions when the legislature funded raises and the personnel board implemented them, they would just lop off the first step in the pay grade chart and add one at the end. That resulted in the guy who had been there one day making the same as the guy who might have been in step one for a year. And the next time it happened, the old timer had been there two years and was still in the start-step. Great for morale! In your case, we would increase each of them either by an amount or a percentage so that they all benefit from the reallignment.
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