Beeper Pay

Hi Everyone,

Our mechanics are required to carry a beeper and we pay them a flat rate of $50 for the week that they are required to carry the beeper. If there is an emergency in manufacturing with one of the systems, the alarm system automatically beeps them and they are required to respond within 20 minutes of being beeped. For each response, they are entitled to incident pay of 3 hours. They are not required to sit by the phone and wait and are allowed to go along with their normal business.

My questions are this:

The mechanic (EE#1) was carrying the beeper and was beeped at 6 pm on Friday. However, the second shift mechanic (EE#2) was still on duty and was handling the problem when EE #1 walked in. Since EE#2 was already working on the problem during regular business hours, would EE#1 still be paid for responding even though it wasn't after hours.

Next question:

Same EE#1 was beeped at 3:15 am Sunday morning but did not respond as required within the 20 minutes. EE#1 came in at 6:15 after the Lead Mechanic (EE#2). EE#2 had already fixed the problem at the beginning of his shift. Would EE#1
still be entitled to incident pay because even though he did not respond within the required 20 minutes?

I would say no to both incidents but would love to get your input.



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