Youth Hire

Our non-profit is considering hiring a youth (under the age 18), My question to all of you, this employee will be working with her mother off our business hours at night and on weekends. I have been instructed that her mother will not be supervising her, she will be completing a checklist each time she works and then turns it in. I also found out prior to hiring her on as an employee she volunteered for this program and now she is going to be paid for the same work. Have we or are we breaking any labor laws? I've been unable to get any answers on the fact this child is working nights while the business is closed. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I know in CA that minors can't work over four hour shifts or after 10pm on a school night unless they have a special work experience work permit. If it's not a school night or when school is not in session they can work longer shifts. I'm sure the laws vary by state, some states don't even require a work permit. I don't have any info on your state but I'm sure a quick search in this site for child labor laws would be helpful to you.
  • Generally, you should not have someone volunteering for work that you would most likely pay someone to do. Since, in your case, this was backwards-- They volunteered first and then it turned into a paid job, you are probably okay.

    From the voice of experience, you will have bigger problems with this age group. We have tried hiring high schoolers and they generally do not work out unless they are closely supervised by someone or unless they are extraordinarily mature for their age. You will also have an issue with other employees wanting you to hire their little darlin's and God forbid, if you try to discipline anyone's child!

    Of course, we do have some college students working with us that have many of the same problems and we have had to terminate, mostly for just not wanting to work very hard. You would think a student would love a job with no nights or weekends!
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