Performance Ratings

How many ratings do you have to evaluate performance? What are they? I've seen as many as 7 which I think is overkill. I'm considering just 3 to try to keep it simple.



  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We have 5...Exceptional, exceeds standards, meets standards, fair and unsatisfactory for our annual reviews. For our 90 day reviews we only have 3 - Acceptable, Needs Improvement and Unacceptable.
  • We used to have a P/E system with five ratings and generally, a 3 was a fully functioning employee. Of course, everyone thought they were a five becuz that where the big money was. I am in the process of doing an evaluation based on what we call QSEP (Quality, Service, Efficiency and Productivity). What will end up being the complete evaluation will depend upon several factors. Cost of living will be the basic salary increase,along with a percentage of how well the company does. will be based upon individual's QSEP points. Such points can be earned by participating in company events, committees, etc.; attendance; continuing education; patient's formal compliments/recognition. If they fail to satisfy mandatory requirements such as attendance at mandatory meetings, mandatory training, etc., then 1 QSEP point will be deducted from each missed mandatory meeting. We haven't come up with the complete plan yet as to how many points will be attached to each QSEP, but this is the direction we are heading in.

    This will let employees determine their own yearly increase. If they choose not to participate in the QSEP program, they will get minimal increase; if they choose to participate some or a lot, this will determine how big a percentage they will get. I am sure we will have a ceiling on the possible increase, but we haven't determined this yet.

    It's sort of an innovative idea, but it gives people a stake in the organization and gives a certain amount of control over their own increase, other than the role of a dice or how the supervisor feels that day
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