Safety Committee Recognition

I have been asked by upper management to come up with some type of reward to give to our safety committee members to show the company's appreciation for their hard work over the past year. This is a committee that came together after the company not having a committee for several years and who took their commitment seriously and have made some positive changes throughout our plant while at the same time dealing with alot of negative remarks from other employees.

Does anyone have any ideas on what I can give them? I thought of maybe ordering pizza or something but our Manufacturing Director would like them to have something they can take with them.

Any suggestions would be helpful.


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • A nice polo shirt with company logo and Safety Committe below it would go over well I am sure. You might also think about having management cook them lunch. Always nice to see the hire ups doing this. Where I was in a past life, whenever we had a safety lunch/dinner we either had management cook it, or had them serve it if it was catered. Great opportunity for supervisors and above to say thanks for working safe. Besides it is always nice to see the CEO in an apron.
    Think about it, instead of pizza, chicken breast & steak, with some potato salad, nice garden salad and brownie........would not cost much more, but sends one heck of a message. Have the big guy run the grill if he is capable. You will find it does not cost much more than pizza and will be valued many times more.
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
  • The cooking part is great, the first aid kit is also great. But, how about overall recognition with accomplishments through out your facility. A plaque with a group picture near the time clock or in the lunch room, a small write up in the company newsletter (if available) if not a payroll attachment.
    In addition, how about challenging the team to the next step, looking at things such at "At risk behaviors" sending them to the upcoming BBS seminar in Texas, with all expenses paid as observers and coming back with new inovative ideas on how to improve what is already there. This way you combine, reward, recognition and taking it to the next level.

  • How about a nice first aid kit. These are great in your car or even office. And it corresponds to their efforts.
  • I like Balloonman's idea about lunch and I never even thought about a first aid kit but that is a great idea!!
  • My wife recently received a 5-year service award that I thought was handled well. She was allowed to pick one from a rather long and eclectic list of items for her award. What made it cool was the variety of options. For example, she chose a Coleman lantern (we like to go camping), which might seem strange for an award, but it was very effective because it was HER choice.
  • My company uses this option of choices for our service awards, also. They get to pick from 5 items at their 5 years, 10 years, and 20 years. One of the options is an American Express gift certificate and it is often chosen. It does make it nice for the employee to have choices.

    We give t-shirts marked with Safety Committee and the year at the beginning of the year, so that as they wear them, others know who is on the committee.
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