Thank you! (those that responded to "Seperation")

Well, I never have been a speller! Thank you to all that did reply. Good to know that in order to get a response, you better break out the dictionary...that could take me awhile to write a question...oh well, Thank you again, your help was greatly appreciated.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I'm the shy one in the group, but I will be the first one to read AND REPLY to this post. Although I rate myself a top notch speller, it is with some frequency that I don't spell according to the dictionary. I almost started to type the spell word preceded by 'mis' but don't want to look it up. Fear not. Post on. If we banished all the mispellers, there would be nary a sound on the Forum and Christy would have nothing to do but pat her tummy all day long. x:-)
  • You say there would be nary a post if we rid ourselves of the misspellers? I NEVER mis-spell (use a hyphen or not - spell check likes them both). Those are all typrographical errors!
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