Hotel Industry Recruitment/Selection

Since there is no "recruiting" forum, I guess I'll post my dilemma here. Hopefully I'm not engaging in verboten activity here.

I am desperately seeking an assistant general manager for one of our hotels, located just outside Birmingham, Alabama. I have done all the usual sourcing (print, web, headhunters, morse code, skywriting)and specify that the successful candidate must have a minimum of two years' experience as an AGM or front desk manager. So far, from all of my efforts, I have only gleaned five -- count 'em, FIVE -- resumes. Out of those five, NONE have hotel experience. And yes, I'll settle for less than 2 years' experience if I have to, but I'd like to see some experience.

So my question is: If anyone comes across any likely suspects who might be looking for a change, can you send them my way?

Thank you for your attention. I'm going to take my Maalox, now.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Parabeagle - You certainly CAN post recruiting questions here on the Forum! I hope that you find a suitable candidate.

    Anne Williams
    Attorney Editor
    M. Lee Smith Publishers, LLC
  • Thank you, Anne. Care to change careers and move to Alabama? I've got SUCH A DEAL!!! x;-)
  • Ahhh a quandry we all face.......finding the right person. (Actually I have just been looking to use the word quandry!) Well here are a few thoughts. First look at the position and what behavioral traits does this position/person need to have to be successful?
    Then take a look at the resumes you have, even those that have no hotel experience. If you have a top performer who learns quickly, would they be worth hiring and training? What about someone on that staff that constantly gets guest comments about a wonderful job they do? While I understand the experience factor, you must weigh other things too. Think about it, a top performer that works well with others and takes care of the guests, would they not be worth training for the position? What message would that send to the staff! (Sorry if I am starting to sound like some darn HR Guru book!)
    I have started hiring more for attitude, abilities, and personality traits then just experience. Been having fairly good success. Not enough to write my own book yet but hopefully someday!
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
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