Wage Disclosure

I am the manager of a very Lg. Condo property in NJ. I have received several requests for employee's wages and any other compesation. The residents belive that as owners in the Association, they are tech. entitled to this info. I have not been able to find any laws covering this subject.Owner's rights vs. Employee's rights to privacy. Ea. member owns only 1/2433 of a share of the corp. Any leads or info will be greatly appriciated.


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • What do you mean by 'owner residents'. Are these simply people who have bought one of the units or share ownership of one? I would not give them any information on employees unless they were part of the management chain of command and you answer directly to them, perhaps the Board Of Directors who set your salary. Surely the bylaws of the corporation might give a clue as to has what level of control and decision making capability over the corporation. Otherwise, you might as well post all that information on the board down by the pool. It's more of a common sense issue than a privacy issue. If it doesn't make sense, don't do it.
  • The By-Laws of the association are silent on this issue. It is the contention of these owners that their mainenance fee pays the salaries and as such are entitled to this information. They are not Directors or officers in any way.

    We employ 50+ employees and the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs has jurisdiction over Condo Associations. When an inquiry was made the response from the director was non conclusive.
  • I can't see any reason at all where these individuals would have any right to know what salaries of employees are. They claim their fees entitle them to this information. Does the fact that they pay fees to an electric or gas company entitle them to know what employees of these organizations make? I think you would be violating the employees' privacy.
  • Rockie:

    I appreciate your point i.e. the utillity service fee however, this is for services rendered. The Condo association is owned by the residents.
  • In the absence of either a public policy that requires that employee salaries be made public or a written directive from your board of directives or the person who hired you, I would recommend you ignore such requests. If one of them continues to hassle you, ask them to put the request in writing along with what they consider to be their authority for having the information. Being a time-share member or unit investor in a condo by no means gives them that level of authority, in my opinion.
  • Don D.

    Thanks for your opinion.
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