Unemployment Compensation Situation

We received notification from the UC office here in Philadelphia that two of our former employees were granted benefits. We filed the appeals by fax (we always fax) one day before the due date, which was 12/24/02. To date, we have received no indication from the appeals office that any hearings are scheduled. Two weeks ago I sent a letter by registered mail to the UC office, stating the facts mentioned above and requesting the hearings. I have not received anything from the UC office and when I tracked my registered letter down I was told that it was sent back because no one would sign for it. How should I now proceed? Thank you kindly.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If you were a Mississippi employer and your question were to come to the attention of the Director of the Employment Security system, his response would be a very vocal, THAT EMPLOYER SHOULD CONTACT ME, DIRECTLY, IMMEDIATELY! I worked in that system for a few years and know that this is an abomination, the very height of arrogance on the part of some appointed official or someone who is long overdue for retirement. Do not take this lying down. In the very unlikely event that you do not get satisfaction from the Director of the Agency, you should contact the Governor of your state, who in most states appoints those officials or HAS them appointed. Need they be reminded that your business pays the FUTA taxes that funds almost all of the positions that exist within those walls at the UI State Office and Local Offices. And, in the unlikely event that the Director's secretary tries to punt your call down to the UI Division Director, tell her upfront not to do that. She will understand an upset employer.
  • If you go on the assumption that the agencies have their own schedule and that the schedule can't be influenced by the employer, then there is nothing to be concerned about. Sometimes hearing nothing is good.
  • I'm in TX and there is a phone number on the notices we receive. I would certainly start with a phone call to the local or state office. They should be able to access your account and give you a status update. The employer has very concrete deadlines, but the appeal department sets their own agenda.
  • No one outside the Appeals Department will be able to speak with authority regarding the status of your appeal or its scheduling or whether or not your request for appeal is being acted upon. That's why I feel a call to the local office will be wasted, if not improperly handled. Pardon the cynicism - it comes from years within that system. I still suggest a call to the highest levels if you feel you are being ignored or your appeal rights are being mishandled.
  • You mean you can actually call the UC office by phone and talk to a real, live human?!?! Holy Screamin' Eagles! I've heard of places like that outside of Philly, but I thought it was an urban myth. Honestly Don, this is the darndest thing I've ever seen. Aside from how pro-labor the Philly office is, they usually do a pretty good job of taking care of business. This is really out of character. I think you're right about calling the State. That's probably the only number I'll be able to get anyway. Thank you.
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