
Our employee handbook is now in electronic format and posted on our company Intranet. All employees have PC access. What type of employee receipt would be appropriate?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I would get a written acknowledgement to put in their personnel file. I'd give them the acknowledgement at employee orientation and tell them it's due back to HR in a week in order to give them time to read the Handbook. Follow up and make sure you get those acknowledgements so employees cannot say they were unaware this was the policy.

    I have a model I'll send you if you e-mail me.

    Margaret Morford
  • We basically follow the same format as Margaret has suggested. We hand out an acknowledgement at orientation and have employees sign that they are aware that the handbook is "on line" and it is their responsibility to read and understand what is contained in it. I also go over the major policies (and give them a copy) at orientation, i.e,, harassment, confidentiality, time clock procedures, etc.

    Our updates are enclosed as a payroll stuffer and since all employees get a paycheck, they get copies of any updates.

    It has worked out so much better having our handbook on line as updates are published in a timely manner and costs are kept down as to printing, etc.
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