Employee Evaluations

We are conducting employee evaluations and are wondering if it is proper or advisable to request that our employees provide self evaluations and/or job descriptions (perceived).
We believe this information will be valuable but anticipate reluctance on the part of some employees.
Any advise?
We believe this information will be valuable but anticipate reluctance on the part of some employees.
Any advise?
The only time it got sticky was when the employee rated themselves higher than his/her supervisor did.
The self-evaluation appraisal worked good for us though, as the employees remembered the good stuff which I had forgotten, and I was able to remind them of the bad stuff which they had forgotten while keeping the appraisal positive.
Good luck!
I also recommend that the employee do a Self Appraisal before the supervisor begins to write the Performance Appraisal. The supervisor should use this Self Appraisal to write the Performance Review. This helps begin a dialogue between the employee and the supervisor about what the employee's last year of work has looked like and gives the employee feedback into their own Performance Appraisal. Many times employees will help the manager write their own Performance Appraisal by filling out a Self Appraisal beforehand. This also insures that the manager does not forget any accomplishments that the employee may remember. In addition, the manager has plenty of warning in advance of the Performance Appraisal Conference that the employee sees his/her performance significantly higher (That 1% mentioned above) than the manger does and the manager doesn't get blindsided in the Conference. At least, it gives the manager some warning and allows the manager to prepare.
I have a very simple, unintimidating ten question Self Appraisal Form I'll send you if you e-mail me.
Margaret Morford
Works well