General Harassment

Have any of you ever received a complaint for "general harassment" from an employee against either their supervisor or co-worker? If so did you handle it much in the same way and you did for protected harassment?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Yes - I've handled it in a similar manner. Even though the behavior the person is upset about may not be illegal, I think from an employee relations standpoint that you want to demonstrate that you care about the person and their work environment. Sometimes I've found that, while the harassing behavior isn't illegal, it certainly wasn't something that we wanted going on in our workplace, and so a small investigation led to corrective measures which enhanced the professionalism of staff and the quality of the work environment.

    I've also had employees complain of harassment that just simply wasn't happening, but they felt picked on, or dis-liked, or whatever. Sometimes just being there for someone to vent to is enough.
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