stories that make a difference

just finished a great book---The Story Factor by Annette Simmons...the book's bid idea:use stories to communicate,not facts---stories let people come to their own conclusions--- giving them facts that contradict what they believe only hardens their beliefs,it does not change them...a story can be one sentance(in trying to tell someone that they were over analyzing something,the line "you don't alwys need to cut the kitten in half to find out why it's cute") to longer stories (tyring to tell two fighting co employees they should co-operate),using the native american story about two otters fighting over a fish who decide to let a jackal decide the dispute;the jackal gives the head to one,the tail to the other,and keeps the middle for herself). A great book---check it out and by the way,what stories have you useed in your job...regards from texas,mike maslanka


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