Personal Cell Phone during Work Hours

We have an employee who talks constantly on his personal cell phone during work hours. The type of work he does does not require constant telephone contact during the day with any of our customers or vendors. Does anyone have any policies in place to curb or prevent this type of behavior? Note: he takes longer to complete his work than other employees who do the same job.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • dharzer,
    Cell phone policies have been discussed on several occasions in this Forum. You can easily locate five or six different streams of ideas and advice by going to the search area to the left of this screen and typing in "cell phone policy." That will give you the first 10 choices (including a few streams that you may not be interested in, on cell phones and driving company autos). Be sure to go to the "next" 10 choices, which include some more ideas on your particular question about cell phones in the workplace. Hope this helps.

    Tony Kessler, director of editorial
    M. Lee Smith Publishers
    (615) 661-0249 ext. 8068
  • I don't think you need a written policy to curb his behavior. He just needs to be told that he needs to get off the phone and keep personal calls to a minimum at work. (your current policy probably addresses keeping calls to a minimum which would suffice).

    However, even without a specific written policy, if his behavior is distracting him from work and making him less productive, he can be counseled about it.

    Good Luck!
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