Bizarre Employee Behavior

We seem to have a rash of bizarre behavior on the part of some of our administrative assistants. We just had to release one at the end of the year who was a chronic liar and later found that she was a thief as well.

Now, we have one that I can't quite figure out her motives. We recently hired a new Executive Assistant and this AA stopped by my office last week and said "Susie is upset and I think she might quit!" I repled "Thanks for letting me know."

Since January is a very stressful month and "Susie" is a new employee I thought I would have a talk with "Susie". She stated everything was fine and she was getting her feet firm on the ground, etc.

Yesterday, this other AA was in the copy room obviously talking about this with another Sr. Manager. The AA said "Did you talk with Susie?" I said "everything is fine." She then stated "Oh, no - I talked with her yesterday and she is still considering whether she is going to quit or not." I didn't comment as I felt it inappropriate to discuss this in front of another manager who didn't have a thing to do with it.

At any rate, I called Susie in and told her I hoped she would be honest with me and then reiterated the entire episode to her. She was totally blown away by this AA's comments and stated that she in no way had made any statement like this and had stated to this particular person that she had had a "delightful" day. I advised her not to get into any deep conversations with this individual as it appears that she has some type of ulterior motive.

I sincerely question this AA's motives and whether she is the type of person we need to retain. I don't know whether this is jealously or just a desire to be in the spotlight or the need to be a drama queen.

At any rate, I don't care for gossip and dishonesty. How would you guys handle this?


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Either:

    (1) Drop it.

    (2) Tell employee B to mind her own business.


    (3) Call in both employee A and B. Ask employee B to restate her concern for employee A's uncertainty about continuing employment there. (an interesting conversation should ensue)

    I don't know what this might produce, but one thing for sure, it will put employee B on notice that you intend to get to the bottom of anything she tells you. At this point, either of them could be lying to you. I wouldn't dance around it, but, would either ignore it or confront it.
  • Strange situation. I agree with Don's 3rd point. You need to find out what is happening because someone is not being honest with you.

    The AA's honesty is in question at this point. I can't see how future comments she makes or decisions can be trusted until you determine what is going on.

    Good luck and keep us posted.

  • Thanks guys! I've already decided that if I hear anything else, I will bring both of them in at the same time to find out what is going on. It's harder to lie to or about someone face to face (for most people) than behind their backs.

  • Rockie......Don't chicken out! Paul and I both think you should go ahead and have this 3-way conversation. You have already been lied one or the other of them. Why wait for something else to come up?
  • Squawk, Squawk, are right. I will confront and report back.


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