Alternatives to Layoffs

One of our divisions is a food service company that services a college dormitory. During the Christmas and Summer breaks there may be temporary layoffs. We have several long term employees who enjoy working for us, but are really feeling the burden of not having year-round work available. I'm trying to do some creative thinking here and wondering if anyone out there has implemented creative ideas to keep their workers working year round. Something such as contracting with another company who needs more workers during our slow times and "offering" them our employees.

Any ideas?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Not sure how this would work during the holidays, but how about Summer Camps for the summer months? There are so many private and publicy funded camps that I am sure you could find some who need temporary workers during the summer when they are most busy. And since most camp food tastes like college dorm food and looks to be prepared the same way, I bet they would already have a heads up.
    In addition, hospitals, nursing homes, and other cafeteria style places could probably use extra workers in a busy seasonal time..
    Hope this helps some.
  • That's exactly what I was going to suggest. I work for a non-profit conference center in Oregon and we always need kitchen help in the summer. For a list of camps in your area, contact the ACA (American Camping Association) [url][/url] or CCI (Christian Camps International) [url][/url]

    The camps would really appreciate the help and your staff might enjoy the change of pace.


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