Harassment Policy

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-15-03 AT 12:59PM (CST)[/font][p]We are revising our policy on harassment and equal opportunity. We are including names and direct phone numbers of managers to report possible occurences. Should we or have any of you included e-mail addresses?

The preferred hierarchy for reporting is HR, President, CFO. Then we would involve the team leader.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Hey there,
    I don't see an issue with email addresses being given, although a meeting in person to discuss the situation and write down all the pertinant facts should be the first and preferred option. If nothing else, I would inlcude the numbers and email addresses as a means to contact the management to SET UP A MEETING, however this is a little casual to report harrassment claims, at least from incidences I have been a part of. Also, I am curious..in your policy how does the reporting hiearchy proceed? In my CU we have all incidences reported to HR and then set up a meeting with the manager and HR, and if needed, the VP of Operations. In your company it sounds like each manager is in charge of handling complaints of harrassment for their dept.(??) Where does HR fall into the scenario?

  • We do not use email addresses, but I can't think of a reason why that would not be acceptable. Our company is primarily concerned that the employee notify someone rather than being uncomfortable or afraid and not telling anyone. To that end, we do not have a hierachy, but rather advise them, per our harassment policy, to contact his/her manager or district manager, or HR (we take collect calls) or call our employee hotline. In actually, they go to whomever they are most comfortable talking to and managers know to contact HR to handle. Because our stores are so far-flung, our initial contact with the employee is usually by phone so that we can evalutate the situation and determine if we need to travel to the store to investigate. We can be at any store within a day or two at the most.

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