Candidates Reniging on Acceptance, Etc.

How do you guys feel about this scenario:

Candidates are interested in position and come in for an interview, sometimes more than one interview. You go over pay and benefits with them and they accept position. (Keep in mind this is after a few days to "think about it.")

After you send out the new hire packet for them to complete, along with their hire letter - you stop the recruiting process with the understanding they are to start on such and such date. They then call after a week or so and decide they won't be able to accept the position after all. One candidate told me that she had been with her company for five years and we were not offering as much PTO as she was getting now (guess, what we don't offer the same amount of the front end as our five year employees get either!). Also, our health insurance is more than they are currently paying.... and on and on.

I guess what gripes me about this is they know all this when they accept the position. They effectively waste our time and resources and stop our recruiting efforts. (Some even have the audacity to say "I hope this doesn't burn any bridges for me at your facility".) "Of course, not!"

Anyway, this has happened a couple of times in the last month and I just had to vent. Thought about charging candidates a "processing fee", refundable upon showing up on their first day. I guess that would be too harsh.

Okay....I feel better now!


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