How to adopt a Procedural Manual/Handbook?

As a govt employer, is there a special process in adopting the procedural manual and employee handbook? Our County Commission/City Council have always passed "resolutions" or "ordinances" to adopt/modify our policies and procedures, but what a pain when there is an amendment. We are revamping the whole system and writing new procedural manuals, and I want to be able to enact/modify policies and procedures without having to have the commission "approve" them. FYI: they are not the personnel office's supervisor, so as long as I have approval from the attorney (the supervisor) I want to be able to act. But I also want enforceable policies! Example: I just reworked the performance evaluation form that is in the back of the procedural manual for the supervisors to use. I didn't have the commission review it before I circulated it to supervisors to replace the old form.
Am I stuck with running EVERYTHING by them first?
Am I stuck with running EVERYTHING by them first?
It may depend on your state's laws regarding public employers or at very likely the particular ordinances of your city council. It seems to me, your chty's cheif administrtive officer should have some direction on this issue to give you.
On the other hand, if you have unions representing your employees, you would probably need to review drafts of many policies with the unions and get their input before adopting them.