Bad Back

We have several employees that are overweight, out of shape, heavy smokers,etc.
We have had several Worker Comp claims on 'back injuries' who also fall into the category above.
Going forward, what might we do to protect ourselves from future 'back injury' claims. Is it legal to identify potential back injury candidates and require them to loose weight, get in shape, stop smoking (and the list goes on!)?
We are talking about implementing a Wellness Program. Is this the only way around our back issue?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • A wellness program is a great way to go. Also, increase training and emphasis on safe lifting procedures, etc.

    I do not think that you can require employees to lose weight, unless it is tied to an essential function of their job (like fire fighters must stay in good shape). You will get into all types of trouble (privacy issues, ADA issues, etc), if you try to require them to lose weight.

    But encouragement can work wonders!!

    Good Luck!
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