termination help needed

We are unfortunately going to have to let one of our non-exempt salary employees go at the end of this month because of business conditions. We have never terminated a salary person at this location. I'm wondering if anyone can give me their much appreciated advise.

Should we allow this employee to pack up their belongings (they have an office)? Or should we tell them they may collect their coat, etc. and we will send the rest?

My boss is leaning toward the latter, but I have a concern about how the other employees will react if we practically shove the employee out the door.

We not not have a policy to follow.

Thank you in advance for your help! This was my first question, so I hope it works.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added

  • We usually give the employee the options of packing up right then, returning after hours to pack (if uncomfortable doing so with coworkers around) or having us pack up for them. However, if they pack, we have to be with them while they are doing so to ensure that nothing is deleted from the computer that may have important data in it or that any property is taken.
  • Or, wait until the end of the day when everyone else is in the process of leaving, and ask him to stay for a few minutes. By the time the termination discussion has taken place, chances are everyone else will have left and that will spare him any embarrassment when he cleans out his office.
  • There is no one correct way to do this. With no policy to fall back on, you have to look at the situation and the employee and try to make a rational decision.

    I have terminated an employee, in their office, and then escorted them to the door. I have asked an employee to see me in my office, told them the bad news and asked then if they needed help with their personal belongings. Then again, I have terminated an employee and then had their supervisor stay with them as they packed up thier stuff.

    It comes down to the question of how much damage can or will they do to the company, its records, computers, property, etc. What kind of information will they take with them? What kind of comfort level do you have with this individual and their reaction to the termination?

    The important thing is to treat the person with dignity and respect. That is what the other employees will see and remember.
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