Separate handbooks for E and NE?

Do any of you have separate handbooks for exempt employees and non exempt employees? My supervisor is concerned that if non exempt employees see the additional benefits that our exempt employees see, they will get jealous.



  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • What I have is one handbook that covers all the federally mandated policies (FMLA, EEO, ADA, etc.). It also covers all policies that relate to BOTH exempt and non-exempt employees (dress code, health insurance, vacation, etc.). In addition I have sheets for both exempt and non-exempt that is added to the handbook (it is done in a three ring binder) for the appropriate employee. This saved me alot of time in completing the handbook in the first place and will make updating MUCH easier.

    Hope this helps!
  • We have one handbook for all employees. Do you really think the non-exempt don't know the what benefits the exempt get? Here, when a non-exempt is promoted to an exempt position, part of the package are the additional benies that come with it. And.......that's a good thing. x:-)
  • we have two handbooks, one for union employees and for non-union employees. This is because some of the benefits and rules are different between the two groups.
  • Separate handbooks would be OK, but I would really be surprised if a lot of people had separate handbooks for exempt and non-exempt. It would be a lot of work for zero gain. It wouldn't be long before copies or pages of the exempt handbook would be in the hands of the non-exempt employees, just to confirm what they already know - the difference in benefits.
  • We have a general handbook with all the policies, etc. that is given to ALL employees. Because there are some additional perks for the administrative non-exempt and exempt employees we have a small handbook addendum that is given only to those employees as a supplement to the general handbook. This has worked well for us.
  • Thanks for all the responses. The consensus has pretty much been what I thought it would be--1 handbook; supplements if needed. Our CEO asked about having 2 handbooks and I told him that it would be better to have just one. The only difference between exempt and non-exempt is benefit related so I have created benefit summary sheets that will go to the appropriate employees explaining their benefits.

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