
I would like to get all of your opinions on a new concept I working on concerning resumes. I don't feel like there is enough "real" information on them. Some of us use pre-employment assessment profiles etc. What if that information and cost was transfered to the applicant via the resume. In a nutshell, I would like to create a system that includes "detailed" honest information regarding the prospect that cannot be fabricated, thereby giving the HR person a better understanding of the prospect before interview. What do you think?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Sounds to me that what you are talking about is an application. Every person who applies with a resume, and meets the minimum criteria (assuming that you are hiring for that slot), should be required to fill out the company application before being interviewed.

    A resume can be in whatever form an employee choses and can leave out important information (as you note).

    An application is in the form that the employer choses, requires the applicant to provide specific information (like all previous jobs and reason for termination or whether the applicant was ever convicted of a crime), and requires the applicant to sign, verifying that the information was true and correct.

    Good Luck!
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