benefits to some and not others

We offer PTO as a benefit. Those earning the minimum days (15)tend to go over days allowed. Those who've been here long enough to earn 20-30 days do fine. Can we offer the benefit of buying PTO time to only those with 15 days and not 20 or 30?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It's irrelevant that I don't fully comprehend the question. It's my opinion that unless the application or design of a policy tends to discriminate or disparately impact people or groups based on protected characteristics such as age, disability, race, sex, religion...then the company is free to design whatever policies work best for them. Since many state personnel policies grant, for example, more sick leave to less tenured employees than longer term employees (etc) then your suggestion should not violate any law. Now, if you were to have a policy that excluded all employees over 40, you would be in violation, just as a policy would be in violation if none of the female employees were covered by its application.
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