History of HR, "Personnel"

Dear friends: I'm currently enrolled in Capella University trying to finish my degree in Bus. Admin. concentrating on HR Management. I need to do a paper about the history of my industry/career. Short of typing "History HR Personel" in a search engine, any suggestions on where/how to collect information? For those of you who have been in HR for many moons: would anyone be willing to be interviewed via email or phone? Thanks everyone!xhugs


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • In addition to the typical HR or Personnel handles, you might do an Internet search using the terms that used to be pretty common, such as Industrial Relations, Labor and Industrial Relations, etc.

    I see that you're in Oregon. You might want to bend the ear of Alan Cabelly, one of the HR gurus at Portland State University (if he's still there -- last class I had from him was in 1984). Another good resource might be Sandy Henderson; she has an HR consulting practice in Portland (HR Specialties or something like that). She also taught at PSU.

    Anything else I come up with, I'll let you know. Don't mind being interviewed (I've been in HR since 1985) but I warn you that if I don't know the answers, I just make 'em up as I go along. ;-)
  • I'll be glad to help if you want to interview an "HR Fossil." I've spent 20 plus years in HR and practiced law for 5 years. I'd be glad to do this by telephone. If you need to do it in the next two weeks, can we schedule it this week? I'm running off to Sedona for Christmas. Call me if you need me and we'll set up a time that works for both of us.

    Margaret Morford
  • I am so impressed - Cinderella. I don't know anything about Parabeagle, but you can't get better than Margaret Morford - what a generous offer. I'd offer to help Cinderella, but there is no need, she's set. Congratulations Parabeagle and Margaret, you've renewed my faith.
  • Come on, Talley! You don't get off that easily. Just because Ms. Morford and I are throwing in our two cents' worth (oh, wait! That's the other guy, isn't it?) doesn't mean Cinderella couldn't use more ideas. Besides, if you help out too, maybe she'll actually learn something. If she listens to me, they'll banish her from class or change her major to underwater basket weaving or something. #o

  • Wow! Thank you all for the generous offers of your info and time. I do have to admit, I am jumping the guy a bit on my project. It's not due for awhile but I wanted to put out my feelers and see what info was out there. I hope to have more of a plan in motion by mid-January. Good to know I have resources out there! Thanks again :)
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