
I have a feeling I am just venting because I cannot do anything. A few weeks ago, an employee brought in papers showing that the city had given her a decal for her car because she was handicapped. She showed me the papers she had submitted in which her doctor said she couldn't walk more than a block due to breathing difficulties. Needless to say, she ended up with the handicapped spot closest to the entrance. However, I know she smokes. I know she walks to her her favorite coffee shop for lunch (5 blocks away). And Saturday, at the company party she danced the whole time. I don't know why I am so angry about this. But, I am.


  • 12 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You are angry because its the appropriate response to someone who is making a mockery of the handicapped program and giving a bad name to everyone who is legitimately handicapped.

    Apparently it is a crime to fake a handicap for personal gain but I believe the penalty is minimal.

    Depending on what state you are in, there might be an agency who would be interested in this case. However, if venting makes you feel better, perhaps that is the way to go.


  • I don't know the layout of your parking lot; but, I see no reason to assume she gets the handicapped spot closest to the entrance. Based on what you say about her activities, I'm afraid the best I could do is assign her something 'somewhere' in the parking lot, perhaps the furthest from the entrance, yet not a block away. Also depending on your parking spaces, I know of nothing requiring you to 'reserve' a spot for her, unless you do so for every handicapped or disabled employee. Generally the handicapped spaces are so marked for those cars that carry the appropriate emblem, but on a first come-first served basis. Remind her that you are also obligated to have spaces marked for the public, visitors, applicants, etc. I would love to be able to ticket every gas guzzling '86 Oldsmobile full of fat, lazy slobs that pulls into all the blue spaces at the Wal Marts all over the country. And, based on what I read in your post, your wheezing-dance-the-night-away huckster isn't much different. (sorry, almost got carried away).
  • Don....I was wondering where you were today! Thanks for the visual.made my day! Another thing I don't understand. Now....companies are marking off spaces with a giant stork for pregnant women so they don't have to walk as far. I thought exercise was supposed to be good for pregnant women? (That's just a vent!).

    The handicapped issue is the same as getting away with anything else in life. Getting benefits from the government when you are able-bodied Workers' Compensation abuse - Unemployment Abuse - Social Security Disabiilty abuse. You name it and put a system in place and there is some jerk who is going to find out a way to get into the system and take benefits from those folks who deserve them and have a devil of a time getting them!

    One can only hope that somewhere down the line these type folks pay a price for their deception (and they usually do).
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 12-09-02 AT 04:04PM (CST)[/font][p]I'm trying to not post so often since I have been roundly admonished by several "Forum Participants" (?) for spending too much time here. x:-)they seem not to have the time to post themselves, but, can spend their time tracking mine. I quit cigarettes so this should not be that big of a challenge.
  • Hey Don,

    Like I said before no one is forcing anyone to read this forum. Those of us who do read it and enjoy all your wonderful insight and enlightenment, don't wish you to stop, because a few are upset. Maybe it is because they don't have the good sense and capabilities you posses. Just my idea, but hope you keep me laughing and on my toes.

  • That doesn't sound like you Don. Has your body been taken over by some alien squid-looking thingy that is merely using you as a host?

    Anybody who has the TIME to notice (or care) how often you, me or anybody posts here needs bigger things to worry about. Come on back, we need you. I have noticed the forum was lacking a certain curmudgeonity since you have been conspicuously absent.

  • Don: Since when do you care? Come on back fella. We miss you.

    PS There is an old Latin saying that I could use here, but it might get me thrown off the Forum!
  • Don,
    First off if you stop posting as much, then that is one less opinion for others to see and digest. What I find great about this board is there is such a diverse core group that regularly gives input. Even when situations do not mimick mine, they make me think. Besides, if you stop posting it might make me appear to be more of a hard ass, and everyone should know I am just a sweet guy! Who occassionally enjoys firing people......
    DJ The Balloonman
  • Don, that does not sound like you. I like reading your replies and how you keep us on our toes. I appreciate your knowledge and I know I'm not the only one out there that does.

    I would'nt let a few people bother me. Hold your head high and let the negative people know they can stick it were the sun don't shine.(can I say that) People need to lighten-up. Life is way to short to be serious all the time.

    Have a good day
  • I can not believe that you would cave in to a few creeps. Why not publish their "names" for all of us to see who has dementia? x}>
  • Hey, this ain't about ME. This post is about a disabled question. Tell the lady what you'd do.
  • OK. The lady can read the posts so she knows what she can do. There isn't much to add, other than I like your posts as well.
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