Hide & Seek....Need to Vent!!!

I've been in the HR profession for over ten years now, and today is just another typical example of the respect we get. How many times do managers beg for people and then when it comes to actually sitting down to do the interviews they're no where to be found. I had two applicants wait for over an hour and a half today...I personally feel this is the worst impression you can set for a potential new hire, and personally I'm tired of the "dog & pony" shows you have to put on, trying to buy time.

Anyone found a solution to get top managers to respect being on time for interviews?? These are the same managers that will shoot daggers at you if you are a minute late for one of their meetings...what's the deal????

Happy Friday!!


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't blame you for being mad and if I was the candidate, I would've left. .no desire to work for an organization like that. I have never had a top manager not follow thru, but did have a supervisor NEVER show up, so after a half an hour, I did the interview myself. (Entry level laborer type) Told the supervisor (who knows I know nothing about utilities) what I had done, that I had recommended the kid be hired, and if he didn't like it he could show up next time. He hasn't missed one since. In your case, I would have a polite, professional discussion with the manager and REALLY chew him/her out!
  • I would be emberassed too. You are right to be upset. I hope you do whatever is necessary to ensure that this doesn't happen again or that the manager is held accountable.


  • We have a Sales Director who was typically either late or a no-show for the interviews I set up for him (and I notified him of them). I fretted over this for months. I finally wrote him a "sweet as Don can manage to be" memo advising him of the problem HE was creating for all concerned as well as the company's sales expectations and requesting that moving forward he make himself available for scheduled interviews or otherwise let me know two days in advance so I can cancel. The key, I think, was putting his boss, a Vice President, on distribution. It never happened again.
  • We've added this particular topic to our Legal and Effective Interviewing training program. Haven't seen much improvement in the executive level. But we're working on a culture change as new managers step into their hiring role.

    We use the analogy of inviting someone to your home. Altho, sometimes it makes me feel like a mom.

    Make sure your room is clean....
    Make sure the candidate has directions.....
    Make sure they know how to contact you if they are delayed.....
    Make sure you don't have food on your tie....
    Make sure your face is clean....
    Be on time....
  • ......And, never close the door if you're in the room with a person of the opposite sex.
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