Snow Days

We had a bad snow day this morning in the city, but we did not close the office. I am wondering what other companies due when the office closes due to bad weather? Do you pay all employees or just Exempt employees? Would you ask either exempt or non-exempt to use their own time such as vacation time? Can you legally ask exempt to use their own time? I know we are suppose to pay them their same salary each week?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Here's a policy that went into effect last year. We have not had to refer to this policy yet, hope it helps!

    5.10 Emergency Closings
    Effective Date: 12/07/2001

    At times, emergencies such as severe weather, fires, or power failures can disrupt Company operations. In extreme cases, these circumstances may require the closing of a work facility.

    When the decision to close is made AFTER the workday has begun, employees will receive official notification from their immediate supervisor. In these situations, time off from scheduled work will be paid. When the decision to close is made BEFORE the workday has begun, management will asses the situation and inform employees whether the additional day(s) off will be paid or unpaid.

    However, with supervisory approval, employees may use available paid leave time, such as unused vacation benefits. Employees in essential operations may be asked to work on a day when operations are officially closed. In these circumstances, employees who work will receive regular pay.

  • If we officially close the office - we pay the employees. If the office is open but they elect to stay home due to weather - they can either use vacation or leave without pay. (We have employees that live in rural areas - they at times cannot get in to the office.) The exempt employee's are paid for official closing and use vacation if they choose to stay home.
  • See these discussions if you haven't already:

    "Bad Weather"

    "office closed for inclement weather, pay or no pay"

    James Sokolowski
    Senior Editor
    M. Lee Smith Publishers
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