Employee Termination
15 Posts
Our company had an employee that we terminated approximately two months ago. The reason for her termination was that she was not following through and completing her work on time and general poor job performance. The supervisor terminated this employee with a verbal meeting, but nothing formal was put in writing. The employee has now come back requesting a letter in writing outlining the reason she was terminated. She does not feel that it is clear to her why. Are we obligated to do this for her? Are we setting ourselves up for any legal ramifications if we do provide a letter in writing for her?
My $0.02 worth.
Since it has been two months since the employee was terminated, you no longer have any legal obligation to provide a written reason for termination.
I view these letters the same way I do employment references - If you're honest, and your organization acted accordingly, there should be no problem.
BTW, it may help to find out why your ex-employee wants the letter. Most of the requests I get for these letters are a requirement in the qualification process for some sort of government assistance.