Hourly & Incentives

How have other firms handled giving performance incentives with hourly employees? what about the FLSA aspect?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • not a problem as long as it is not routine and programmable so that an hourly ee can routinely expect x amount of $$$. If so then it becomes an O/T HEADACHE AND NOT RECOMMENDED. We do pay an hourly performance bonus once the team hits a certain level of production in one quarter, the team members involved with achieving the production are then paid x-amount of $$$ over the next quarter for three months in $50.00 increments. We do not go back and recount their O/T, because the next quarter it may not be achieved and the ee does not expect the bonus award. Additionally, we truly do not know until the numbers for the quarter are published. Pork
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