Parking lot security

We are thinking of extending our hours of operation. To what extent are we responsible for the safety of our employees. Are we mandated by law to have some kind of security guard in the parking lot at night. We have a well lighted parking lot and feel our facility is secure.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't believe that you are legally required to have security guards but I would look at some sort of voilence in the workplace policy and address safety related issues. I offer the following for your perusal:

    Parking Lot

     If you're working late ask a co-worker to escort you to your car.
     Don't leave valuables in plain sight in your car.
     When you approach your car have your keys ready, check the back seat and floorboard before entering.

    Reporting Suspicious Activity

     For an emergency, call 911.
    The following information is helpful:

     Nature of incident. What occurred?
     When did it occur?
     How many people were involved?
     Any description of people involved?
     Description of vehicle involved?
     Did you see any weapons?
     Last direction of travel? (On foot or vehicle)

    Personal Safety Tips

     Wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move and shoes that allow you to easily run or kick.
     Be aware of alternate or escape routes and safe places.
     Do not expose expensive jewellery, money or the contents of your purse or bag.
     Plan your route and avoid shortcuts through dark, untravelled areas. Take the most direct, frequently travelled route.
     Walk with companions whenever possible and be aware of approaching strangers.
     Be cautious with personal information.
     Trust your instincts. If a situation feels threatening, leave and/or seek assistance.

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