Part-time salaried

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 11-21-02 AT 07:04AM (CST)[/font][p]This has really been a week. I have another question relating to the health care industy. One of the doctors asked if it was possible to make one of his rounds nurses salaried. I assumed she would be full time and that she would receive benefits like the rest of our salaried employees. Wrong!!! he wants to make her a rounds nurse part-time salaried. I have never had a part-time salaried person in the years I have been in HR. What are my options here? Is this legal according to the DOL? Even althou this is a part-time position if I pay her a salary with no benefits, is this discrimination considering we offer benefits to all our full-time employees whether they are hourly or salaried! Our par-time employees are all hourly,or they are high school students and don't work more than 25 hours in a week.

thanks again.

Sorry this is posted twice when I submitted the first one I received an error message that it did not transmit.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 12-09-02 AT 05:58PM (CST)[/font][p]I wouldn't think it would be a problem as long as she meets the requirements for being "exempt". Due to business slow-down, I worked for a year as part-time exempt HR Manager. My salary was pro-rated for the hours I was scheduled to work. Sometimes I worked a few more hours and occasionaly I worked a little less - but I was paid my salary. As far as the benefits go, yes it is discrimination, but not based on illegal criteria. Part time don't have the same benefits, fulltime do.
  • BLW

    Why would she have to meet the requirements of being "exempt"?? I understand that you can pay non-exempt employees on a salaried basis provided you treat them as non-exempts (pay overtime, etc)or have I been wrong all this time?
    We have several office staff who are paid a salary but are considered non-exempt.

  • You are correct. I'm not sure why I was thinking she was asking about exempt part-time. Non-exempt can be part time salaried. I would just be careful to ensure they aren't working too many hours beyond the hours their salary was calculated to cover. That way they don't feel taken advantage of and you don't risk them going below minimum wage for hours worked. Thanks for catching my mistake. Barbara
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