Part-time Salary

This has been a week. I now have a doctor who would like to pay one of his nurses who make rounds for him a set salary,she has been working for him part-time and has been hourly, but here is the catch. I told him if she is salaried then we will offer her benefits like the rest of our salaried employees. He does not want to do this, he said make her part-time salaried. Has anyone out their heard of part-time salaried, In all the time I have been in HR I have never been faced with this. I thought salaried was salaried no matter how many hours they worked. Also can you not offer benefits to a salaried employee or is this a form of discrimination by singling her out.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We have part time salaried exempt positions. We have 2 people who basically share the same job. We used to have them each work 1/2 day, but to solve some confusion, they now each work 1 week on and 1 week off. Their benefits are pro-rated, but there is no law that I am aware of that requires you to give benefits to someone who is part-time. But assuming they put in more than a few hours a week, why wouldn't you?

    When you talk about making this person salaried, you are talking exempt right? If you are, it is the job duties that allow you to make someone salaried, not just because you desire to do so. If you are talking salaried non-exempt, then I can't help you because frankly, I know very little about it. x:-)

    Good luck!
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