Employee arrested at work

I have a situation that is getting complicated. I have Employee A who has had a long term relationship with Employee B since before they both worked here. They live(d) together and had a baby last year. They both work very closely with each other. Employee B has started to date Employee C who works in the same department as Employee A. Employee A is not happy and makes crude remarks about Employee C to other co-workers. Heresay tells me that she leaves threatening messages to Employee B also, although he has not stated it to me.
The other night after work and off premises, Employee A assulted Employee B while he was with Employee C. Employee B has a very close relationship with out local police department due to his position and reported the incident. The following morning, the police department came to arrest Employee A, in our lobby infront of guests and employees.
Are you still following me?
To my understanding I can't use arrest information, only conviction regarding employment status. This occurred of property, so no work place violations happened. However, I still have the other parties that work closely with Employee A safety to consider. How do I separate them? What action can I do? Employee A's job performance is down and this has been discussed with her by our owner, but not documented. I know that when our owner heres about this, he will want her terminated, but that could be opening us up for a lawsuit.
My main question is what can I do with her until she is possibly found guilty of assult? How do I separate the parties involved?
Just an FYI - Employee C is alledgely also "dating" another guy from Employee B department. What a little family I have here.
The other night after work and off premises, Employee A assulted Employee B while he was with Employee C. Employee B has a very close relationship with out local police department due to his position and reported the incident. The following morning, the police department came to arrest Employee A, in our lobby infront of guests and employees.
Are you still following me?
To my understanding I can't use arrest information, only conviction regarding employment status. This occurred of property, so no work place violations happened. However, I still have the other parties that work closely with Employee A safety to consider. How do I separate them? What action can I do? Employee A's job performance is down and this has been discussed with her by our owner, but not documented. I know that when our owner heres about this, he will want her terminated, but that could be opening us up for a lawsuit.
My main question is what can I do with her until she is possibly found guilty of assult? How do I separate the parties involved?
Just an FYI - Employee C is alledgely also "dating" another guy from Employee B department. What a little family I have here.
I just don't see how you can pretend that nothing has happened. On the other hand, you don't want to jump to conclusions until the case has been settled.
I am speaking from total ignorance having never experienced anything like that here. I hope others who have will offer you some constructive advice on how to proceed.
You do not have to wait for a conviction -- or even agree with the criminal courts if the employee is let off.
You do have to keep your employees safe at work. Even if the assault occured off of the premises, you can fire the employee who assaulted the other employee.
Who do you think will get sued if the assaulter attacks at work and harms or kills someone? Believe me, the assaulter does not have the money to pay a judgment, but the employer (who had notice of the dangerous situation) does.
I suggest you suspend the employee who assaulted the other, and hire employment counsel to go over the facts and decide what course of action to take.
Good Luck!